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Catharine Clark Gallery - San Francisco

March 9 2024

Date: March 9 2024

Address: California, US

 Catharine Clark Gallery announces the opening of Stephanie Syjuco: Dodge + Burn, a survey of over 20 years of work by the acclaimed cross-disciplinary artist. On view March 9-May 4, 2024. Visitors to this presentation will have the opportunity to engage with several important projects originally commissioned by institutions, such and “Dodge and Burn” and “Double Vision,” which are being presented on the West Coast for the first time. 

Syjuco works in photography, sculpture and installation, moving from the handmade and craft-inspired mediums to digital editing and archive excavations. Recently she has focused on how photography and image-based processes are implicated in the construction of racialized, exclusionary narratives of American history and citizenship. This exhibit shows the breadth of her investigation into the history of image-making.


The Catharine Clark Gallery is located at 248 Utah Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. For more information, please call 415.399.1439 or visit

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