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Fog Design + Art

January 18 2024

Fort Mason in San Francisco

Date: January 18 2024

Place: Fort Mason in San Francisco

Address: California, US

The tenth Fog Design + Art edition will be held January 18 through 21 at Fort Mason in San Francisco. The fair will open with a Preview Gala on Wednesday, January 17, benefitting the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. 

The 2024 edition will present 45 booths (featuring 46 dealers) at Fort Mason Center’s Pier 3 and 9 exhibitors in FOG FOCUS, located next door in Pier 2. Among the exhibitors in Pier 3 are eight participating for the first time: AGO Projects, Catharine Clark Gallery, David Lewis, Galerie Max Hetzler, Marianne Boesky Gallery, Mendes Wood DM, Nino Meier Gallery, and Shulamit Nazarian.

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In celebration of the tenth anniversary, The theme of this year’s fair is “A Love Letter to San Francisco," highlighting the city's cultural vibrancy. The theme will be present from the moment you arrive at the entry installation.

"We are excited to present this year's edition of FOG and to champion the artistic vitality of our city," said Douglas Durkin, FOG Design + Art steering committee member. "FOG was originally conceived as a gift to the people of San Francisco, and being civic-minded has always been a priority for us."

The inaugural presentation of FOG FOCUS, an invitational designed to showcase art by young and unrepresented artists. In addition to nine exhibitors, it will include art installations, activations,  performances on-site, and an exhibition of contemporary art by Bay Area artists with disabilities co-presented by Creative Growth Art Center, Creativity Explored, and NIAD.

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For additional information, please visit fogfair.com, and  for SFMOMA benefit events at FOG, visit sfmoma.org/fog

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