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Home Front Build

Integrated and Thoughtful Design

Photos: Laura Engel Photography
Published in The Essential Guide to Kitchens 2023

California Homes Staff

November 30 2023
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Often, our homes are where we feel most secure and nurture our bodies, minds, and families – where we gather friends and loved ones alike.  While every client's expectations of home differ, the first step towards a successful design project for the Home Front Build team is always the same: listening.  Whether a client has purchased a house or a parcel of land, whether they build anew or remodel - the first step must be to discover what inspires them - what emotions, expectations, and desires they bring with them - before the design process even begins.    

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By combining architects and interior designers with the actual builders under one roof, Home Front Build creates a synergistic opportunity for problem-solving that outshines traditional architecture firms or contractors.

Preserving our rich architectural legacy while maximizing energy efficiency are essential commitments for Home Front Build, as demonstrated by their partnerships with numerous historic associations and environmental organizations.   

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Home Front Build

715 Cypress Avenue, Los Angeles, 90065


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